Arihant calculus:

Solve for x :

(x+3)^{5}-(x-1)^{5}\geq 244

PS: the ans given is
x \in (-infinity,-2] U [0,infinity)

i thought of solving by taking x +1 = y dat we can get some symmetry ...but ans nahi match hora ....pls see f any 1 can get the ans

5 Answers

rahuliit ·

expand using binomial and then solve

Debotosh.. ·

that would complicate things...there is some simpler route, ifeel !...lets think !...i was also going for the method, advised by qwerty !

Lokesh Verma ·

Qwerty you were doing the right things.



2 {5.y4.2+10.y2.23+25}>=244




(y2-1)(y2-9) >=0

now I am sure you can finish it off [1]

qwerty ·

kk...thank you sir ....[1]
i just made a small mistake ... [5]

Hari Shankar ·

I thought that in this strongly graphing community, this prob would have been solved with a picture

if you let f(x) = (x+3)5-(x-1)5, we can see that f'(x) = 0 only at x =-1 and f'(x)>0 for x>-1 and <0 for x<-1.

So its shaped like a quadratic symmetric about x = -1. So f(x)≥ f(0) when x≥0. Since f(-2) = f(0), and when x≤-2 too we have f(x)≥f(-2).

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