BinoMial - I

The remainder when ...

x= .^.
5^5 (24 times 5 )

is divided by 24 is _______ .

7 Answers

eragon24 _Retired ·


taking any power n on both sides


multplying by 5


2n is even

2n+1 is odd

thus for even power we hav remainder as 1

and for odd power we hav remainder as 5

here we are having odd power so remainder shud be 5 [1]

Avik ·

Thnx bhai, u're right...... But am ZERO in congruences...[2]

How cud it be done any other way ?

eragon24 _Retired ·

using congruences is the shortest way to do it....i dun no of any other method......may be someone else here may give u another method......

btw for learning congruences check this thread--- popular one dese dayz[3]

Lokesh Verma ·

even without congruences it is easy to argue..

think of this like:

5even number = 25number = (24+1)number which leaves a remainder 1 on division by 24

5Odd number= 5x5even number = 25numberx5 = 5 x (24+1)number which leaves a remainder 5 on division by 24

here the power is odd.. hence the answer is 5

Lokesh Verma ·

btw the congruences proofs are equivalent to binomial theorem most of the times[3]

rahuliit ·

this same question was asked by karan a long time ago its easy
the rem is 5 when power is odd and 1 when its even its a tata mcgraw hill question

Avik ·

Yeah....Thnx everyone [1]

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