In how many ways can m(<n)persons sit around the table ?

There are n numbered seats around a round table.In how many ways can m(<n)persons sit around the table ?

9 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

Hint: Seat one person first.. and fix him..

(IF you knwo the derivation for the round table, you will solve the rest easily ;)

karan ·

permutations in circular are (n-1)! where n is no of persons here

bakshisubhomoy ·

so is the answer n-1Pm-1........since after fixing one person, n-1 seats are left and m-1 persons are that the right ansr............

Lokesh Verma ·

Yes Subhomoy :)

Ritika ·

Not into n again since the fixed person can sit on n seats? Or is that immaterial?

karan ·

sir dont we have to worry about circular permutations

kartik sondhi ·

Fix One Persons Seat Thus There are Now (n-1) people

thus the ways of seating them is (n-1)! Thus Giving the (n-1)! ways of Seating the People
Bue there are Now m people thus it becomes n-1Pm-1 ways of setting them

champ ·

Answer is nPm

Lokesh Verma ·

One important thing which I also ignored..

See here, the seats are numbered.. So circular does not matter. because each seat is different.. Hence CHamp the answer given is correct..

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