It all started with b555's classic integration siikho thread..and now nishant sir started some more threads on it....
I ma starting one small on inequalities..A lot of inequlaities thread are already there on site..I know that...but this is just my contribution [1][1]
I guarantee all these are JEE level only and no olympiad level will be posted as far as possible [6]
ALso i odnt have copyright for ""sikho"" if b555 wants he can sue me [3][3]
some of these questions will be really easy..but htas how JEE inequalitites willl be [6][6]
italiciised questions mean answered questions.....[1][1]take care of this[1]
Q1 Prove 12√n+1<12.34.56.......2n-12n< 1√2n+1
Q2 If a,b,c>0 and b+c>a, prove that a1+a<b1+c+c1+b
Q3 For real nos. a,b,c,d prove that (1+ab)2+(1+cd)2+a2c2+b2d2≥1
Q4 Prove that 3b2+6ac≤(a+b+c)2,if a≥b≥c
Q5 Non negative nos a,b,c,d such that a+b+c+d=1,prove that ab+bc+cd≤1/4
Q6 Prove that inequalities involving following finite quantities a2-bc(a+b)(a+c)>0,b2-ac(a+b)(b+c)>0,c2-ab(a+c)(b+c)>0
cannot be simultaneoulsy true
Q7If a,b,c, are real positive quantities,show that
1a+1b +1c ≤ a8+b8+c8a3b3c3
Q8 If a,b,c are sides of triangle then prove that 3(ab+bc+ca)≤(a+b+c)2≤4(bc+ca+ab)
Q9 If a>0 ,b>0 the nfor any real x and y ,prove taht following inequality holds true
Q10 If a,b,c are positive nos. and p,q be rational nos.(p>1) such that 1/p +1/q=1,tehn prove that ab≤app+bqq