T-12: Maxima-Minima TargetIIT 6 15,00 10 40.00 8.3333(3) Analyse / Challenge Friends
Q8 minimize x4+ 1/x4 +x2+ 1/x2+ x+ 1/x+ x3+ 1/x3 +1
a) 0
b) 1
c) -3
d) 9
Your Answer: (b)
Correct Answer: (d)
Score: -1
PUT X=-1 AND SEE IT 4 URSELF..........
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 2
2 Answers
Manish Shankar
·2009-02-09 02:16:32
which test is this in ?
I think it should be mentioned that it should be +ve!
·2009-02-09 02:20:12