Nops ans is (a)
Out of (m+1) given integers two of them can always be chosen such that there
(a) difference is divisible by m
(b) Sum is divisible by m
(c) Product is divisible by m
(d)none of these
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5 Answers
Lokesh Verma
·2010-01-01 01:02:10
answer is a because any numbers can leave a remainder of either 0, 1, 2, ... m-1
two numbers among m+1 leave the same reaminder on division by m
hence their difference is divisible by m
Tush Watts
·2010-01-01 01:11:41
ok.... any integer can be written as , x = m q +r where 0 ≤r ≤ m-1
x i = m q1 + r
x j = m q2 + r
So, x i - x j is divisible by m
Thanx a lot sir [1]