sory for the topic name....[2]...
it was a mistake
let A={1,2....n}.If X denotes subsets of A containing exactly 3 elements,then find \sum_{p\in X}{min(P)}
The sum will be sum of (number of three sets with i as the minimum element multiplied by i)
so 1 x 5C2 + 24C2+33C2+42C2
* X should be the set of subsets of A containing 3 elements..
I toook n = 6 (Dont know why)
so take the sum accordingly...
Σ r n-rC2 (limit is for r going from 1 to n-2)
There should be some more elegant way because of the form of the answer.. but I cant think of the more "elegant method" to get N+1C4
Btw you even need to verify that the expression I have given is equal to that ..
let r be the lowest value ..
for each r, there will be n-rC2 sets which will have r as the smallest elemetn.. because we have to chose 2 from the elements larger than r