Minimum of Complex sum of 3 terms

\hspace{-16} $ Minimum value of $\bf{\left|z-1-i \right| + \left |z+2-3i \right| + \left |z+3+2i \right|}$\\\\\\ where $\bf{z = x+iy}$ and $\bf{i = \sqrt{-1}}$

1 Answers

Shaswata Roy ·

Plot the points A(1,1),B(-2,3) and C(-3,-2).

We want to find P(x,y) such that PA+PB+PC is minimum.

This point P is the Fermat's point.
The unique property of the Fermat point is that,

PA = ei 120°PB



PB = ei 120°PC


Solving i and ii you'll the required point.

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