Non-intersecting chords

2n points are chosen on a circle. In how many ways can one join pairs of points by non-intersecting chords?

9 Answers

raja ·


how many pairs?

kaymant ·

There are 2n points, so how many many pairs do you think? However, the question does not ask about the number of pairs; rather the number of ways of ways of joining them so as to have non-intersecting chords.

Pritish Chakraborty ·

Well...I'm possibly nowhere near the answer but...
If we take n points on one half of the circumference and n points on the other(diametrically opposite), then we join them sort of like we see in a one-one function's Venn diagram.
There can only be one way of joining n points on one side to n points on the other so that the chords so formed can never intersect(i.e, parallel chords).

kaymant ·

But there are possibly more ways of taking the two halves of the circle itself.

Pritish Chakraborty ·'s how we look at the circle isn't it? Otherwise there could be n number of ways to halve a circle..

kaymant ·

You didn't get the point. The points are distinct. May be they are labeled. For n = 3, that is, for 6 points the following five are the ways:

Pritish Chakraborty ·

Ah...then they don't intersect in the circle but do so outside...I get it now. I thought they shouldn't intersect at all!

Hari Shankar ·

This puts me in the mind of a classic problem that asks in how many ways can we arrange n brackets in a balanced way (i.e. number of left brackets = no. of right brackets). And the answer lies in the Catalan numbers. So the number of ways must be Cn []

kaymant ·

Exactly. The required answer is the n-th Catalan number Cn = 1n+1 2nCn.

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