So we require naturals less than 20,000 (5-digit)
Till 4 digits, we have 3+3^2+3^3+3^4=3+9+27+81=120 numbers.
From 5-digit onwards, 1st place can be filled in 1 way.....So ans should be
120+3^4=201 numbers......(if my calculations are correct!)
The number of natural numbers less than 2.104 which can be formed with digits 1,2,3 only are ?
So we require naturals less than 20,000 (5-digit)
Till 4 digits, we have 3+3^2+3^3+3^4=3+9+27+81=120 numbers.
From 5-digit onwards, 1st place can be filled in 1 way.....So ans should be
120+3^4=201 numbers......(if my calculations are correct!)