plzzz solve guyssssssssssss
In an examination of 6 papaers each of 100 marks as max. marks
the no. of ways in which a candidate can secure 40% marks in whole examination is
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16 Answers
it is necesary to know the least count of the marks.
Otherwise It cannot be solved!
a+b+c+d+e+f = 240
0<= a, b, c, d, e, f <= 100
Hint : this can be found by binomial expanion.
Can it be?
co-eff of x240
or, ___________________
or, x6(1-x100)6(1-x)-6
then expand.......easy(i don think so...)
this now comes from -ve binomial... 3
whihc by the way is not in syllabus!
not in syllabus??????????????then how can we do multinomial questions like this one?????
for some of those questions eureka.. the question is simpler..
-ve binomial is not in syllabus. Have no doubt about it.