for 5th question
a)changing the order of vowels means the place can change bt order needs to be sameie o ll appear before a in every case
1) How many arrangements can be made with all the letters of the word "VENUS" such that the order of the vowels remains unaltered ?
2) In how many ways can 5 commerce and 4 science students be arranged in a row so that the commerce and the science students are placed alternately ?
3)How many nos. greater than 1,00,000 can be formed with the digits 0,2,5,2,4,5.
4) How many 6-digit even nos. can be formed from 2,3,5,3,4,5 alone ?
5) Don't solve this ; just explain the meaning :
A code-signal uses digit-letter-digit combinations but 0 and 1 are not used for either digits or letters. How many code signals are possible ?
6)Again this one : just explain the meaning :
In how many ways can the letters of the word "CONTACT" be arranged
(i) without changing the order of the vowels
(ii) without changing the relative positions of vowels and consonants
(iii) without changing the positions of the vowels
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34 Answers
1) short method
total possible cases= 5!
in half of these cases , E will be after U
and in the other half , U will be after E
=>no. of cases is 5! / 2 = 120 /2 = 60