Perm. Comb.

A class test has maximum marks equal to 50 . It should contain 7 questions each having marks in the range of 2(min. marks for a ques.) to 14(max marks of a ques.). Find the possible number of ways to prepare the test.

1 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

Coefficient of x50 in (x2+x3+......x14)7

Coefficient of x36 in (1+x+x2+x3+......x12)7

Which is Coefficient of x36 in (x13-1)7(x-1)-7

Which is Coefficient of x36 in (x13-1)7(x-1)-7

Which is Coefficient of x36 in [-21x14+7x13-1](x-1)-7

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