Probability yet again

Two players of equal skill, A and B, are playing a set of games; they leave off playing when A wants 3 points and B wants 2. If the stake is Rs. 16, what share ought each to take?

14 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

You have not explained if the poits are +1, 0 or +1, -1

that will make a huge diference..

What you will probably need is a recurrence relation/...

aposlil ·

Sir, nothing else is given :(

aposlil ·

Is question ka kuch ho sakta hai????

Lokesh Verma ·

to be true . i did not understand the question at all...

Can you tell the source of this one?

aposlil ·


Lokesh Verma ·

hmm.. then i have no idea of what is there in their mind

this is a question of random walk.. (evne though you should not worry too much about hte word)

but i think they have not specified somethign or i have no clue of what the question is :(

aposlil ·

I will post the solution when I get it..

injun joe ·

This is not at all my original solution. It is a copied one.

A win may in the following manner:-

1) W W W
2) W W L W
3) W L W W
4) L W W W

P(A)= 1/8 + 3c1(1/2)(1/2)2(1/2)

=1/8 + 3/16

P(B)= 11/16

A gets 5/16 *16 Rs. =5
B gets 11/16 *16 Rs. =11

Lokesh Verma ·

hmm.. so the points are +1 and 0

Lokesh Verma ·

Try to solve teh same question if the points are +1 and -1?

injun joe ·


injun joe ·

A win may in the following manner:-

1) W W W
2) W W L W W
3) W L W W W
4) L W W W W

now it can be done

aposlil ·

So these guys have taken +1 and 0.
Should have been mentioned...

Lokesh Verma ·

no injun.. if you are solving the modified question that i have given.. then you need to think more..

There will be recursion involved.

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