Prove all +ve

Suppose a_1, a_2, a_3,...,a_n are n real numbers

It is obvious that if the ai are all positive, then the numbers \sum a_i, \sum_{i<j} a_i a_j \sum_{i<j<k} a_ia_ja_k,..., \prod_{i=1}^n a_i will all be positive

Prove that the converse also holds

[Students first please. Hints after day 1]

5 Answers

Rohan Ghosh ·

this is a two liner guys ... crack it !

Dr.House ·

take the polynomial


this equation has these sums as its coefficients with (-1)^i

if these sums are positive, this means that the i-th coefficient is positive if n-i is even and negative if n-i is odd

now such an equation cannot be ful filled by a negative number.

hence proved

Hari Shankar ·

umm, i mentioned students only. Rule violation! :(

Dr.House ·

i am also a student sir

msp ·

dude i just got this one in mind,in the next time give time for beginners like me.

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