quadratic basics Atgs stuck

if 4 real nos p, q, r & s are such that,



at least one of the 2 foll eqns

x2+px+q=0 and x2+rx+s=0

my approach:

i found out the discriminant of the 2 which came to be as

p2-4q and r2-4s

now one must be positive and other negative,

hence the to prove is (p2-4q)(r2-4s)<0

am i right?

and also cannot proceed after this...how to proceed?

9 Answers

Hari Shankar ·

Check your logic carefully. You actually have to prove that you cannot have p^2 \le 4q and r^2 \le 4s.

Now see how you can use the given condition pr = 2(q+s) to arrive at a contradiction if both inequalities are true.

Dr.House ·

whats this atgs?

i see it everywhere in homepage

Che ·

^^all time gas service =atgs


Vivek @ Born this Way ·

at least one of the 2 foll eqns.... ? What's next. Is it incomplete!

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

atgs is nickname given to me by aveek and some of the people who no longer use t iit like akari!!

akari ·

i am seeing u atgs everyday :P some people are not easily forgettable

hows ur prep going on

Abhishek Majumdar ·

is the last part of the question..."one of the foll. equations have real roots" ???

then the soultion is simple.....prove that

d1+d2 ≥ 0 usind the given relation!! thats it subhomoy!!

Abhishek Majumdar ·

d1- discrmnt of 1st eqn.
d2-discrimnt of 2nd eqn.

Hari Shankar ·

pr = 2(q+s) \Rightarrow (pr)^2 = 4(q+s)^2 \ge 16 (qs)%2 as (q+s)^2 \ge 4qs

Now if both the equations have non-real roots we would have p^2 < 4q, r^2 < 4s \Rightarrow (pr)^2 < 16qs

Hence at least one of the equations has real roots

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