it is discontinuous....i don't think it is even and i think its period cannot be defined
How do you prove that (sgn{x})sgn{x} is even, periodic and discontinuous?
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10 Answers
chant this mantra 500 times
*om proovaya namah*om evenaya namah*om periodicaya namah*om discontinuosaya namah* and u r done[1]
sgn{x} will always be either 0 or 1, isn't it? {x} gives values 0 ≤ x < 1 and the signum function gives -1 if input is negative, 0 if 0, +1 if input is positive.
Hence sgn{x} will always be either 0 or 1. It will be 0 only when {x} = 0, that is, when x is an integer.
(sgn{x})sgn{x} will be 00 when x is an will keep oscillating between integral points, looks to me.
@ Pritish -
Yes I got that it is discontinuous.
The function is periodic as it oscillates between 1 and 0 at integral and non integral points.
What about the function being even?
I guess we have to define the function at certain points to find whether it is even or odd....that is -:
1. When x is 0.
2. When x is integral.
3. When x is non-integral.
Positive and negative values of x hardly matter...{x} will always yield a non-negative result.