take (1+x)^abc common from the third row
u get
1+x (1+x)^a (1+x)^1/a
1+x (1+x)^b (1+x)^1/b
1+x (1+x)^c (1+x)^1/c
now put 1+x=t
and solve
1+x (1+x)a (1+x)bc
1+x (1+x)b (1+x)ca
1+x (1+x)c (1+x)ab
find coeff. of x and x2.
There should be a simpler method.. but right now i cant think of any! :(
take (1+x)^abc common from the third row
u get
1+x (1+x)^a (1+x)^1/a
1+x (1+x)^b (1+x)^1/b
1+x (1+x)^c (1+x)^1/c
now put 1+x=t
and solve
according to arshad,i hav reached to
=> t^abc [ t^ab-bc-a2+2ac - t^ac-bc-a2+2ab ]
can ne1 help me after dis???
after my 2nd post..
coeff of x seems to be obvious?
and for x^2 it will be
seems to be a bit more clumsy.. :(
but sir,for me coefficient of x^2 is coming to d answer u got in coefficient of x........
damn.. i have kept this one posted as teh most stupid wrong answer and no one ever saw what i did :( :( :(
There is a stupid stupid stupid mistake in what i have done :D
let me rewrite it...
Now can you guys solve it?