If n is a prime number which will divide neither a,b nor a+b prove that:
an-2b-an-3b2+an-4b3......+abn-2 exceeds by 1 a multiple of n.
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6 Answers
this is a gp with common ratio -b/a!
number of terms is n-3
so it is
Now does it make some more sense?
you have to use Fermat's Theorem....
I dont think it is in syllabus unless you want to prepare for olympiads!
okkkk....thanks sir.......I will not waste my time on it then.........BUT ONE COMPLAINT.......WHERE IS GRAPH OF THE DAY.?????????
It was already put up.. and u already posted a reply there :O
There were these 2 graphs on the 19th...!!!
Daily Graph 19-01-09 (bonus question!)
Daily Graph 19-01-09