Thanx bhaiyya.....
A channel 27m wide falls at a right angle to another channel 64m wide.the greatest length of a log that can be floated along the system of channel is,......
a.100m b.110m c.120m d.125m
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4 Answers
Lokesh Verma
·2009-09-08 07:49:02
This question was already solved as a QOD...
Let me try to mine it ...
Lokesh Verma
·2009-09-08 07:56:11
Could not find it.. :(
WIll give the answer and solution if no one else solves...
I have the image saved on my desktop but cant find the thread id :P
Lokesh Verma
·2009-09-09 07:12:35
Finallly found the post