both statements are wron.???????????/
10 Answers
·2009-03-28 01:05:27
with normal options as given in jee papers answer this one!
no need to be very fast also i dont need any clearance on this
soo answer at your leisure
Pavithra Ramamoorthy
·2009-03-28 01:15:54
srry srryy..........
i ll say d corect ans... u match wit d option in jee..........
Pavithra Ramamoorthy
·2009-03-28 01:16:52
statement 1 is rit ..statement 2 is also rit.. and statement 2 is d correct reason........
Pavithra Ramamoorthy
·2009-03-28 01:23:33
hey.. but d statement2 also proves to be rit kno??????????? since a part of d integral becomes 0 then becomes rit.........
·2009-03-28 01:24:48
yeah both stats are rite and stat 2 is not the correct explanation of stat1