Differential Equations Sikho...

A compilation of quesitons similar to the way bhargav had one :P (hence borrowed a part of the name..)

Keep solving and i will keep adding questions here...

To begin with first 5 are here...

Question 1) \left(\frac{dy}{dx}+1\right) x+\tan (x+y)=0

Question 2) f''(x)\left({1-f'(f(x))}\right) = f''(f(x)).(f'(x))^{2}

Question 3) xy' = y\ln(xy)

Question 4) y''=2x+(x^{2}-y')^{2}

Question 5) (1+x\sqrt{x^2+y^2})dx+(-1+\sqrt{x^2+y^2})ydy = 0

Question 6) x\frac{dy}{dx}+\left({\frac{dy}{dx}}\right)^2= y

Question 7) (x+y)(dx-dy)=dx+dy

Question 8) (2x^{2}+3y^{2}-7)xdx-(3x^{2}+2y^{2}-8)ydy = 0

Question 9) \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}(x^2+1) = 2x\frac{dy}{dx}

Question 10) \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{yf'(x)-y^2}{f(x)}

63 Answers

msp ·


eureka123 ·

hey sanky ..
i think posting just answers wont benefit anyone...
post ur solns tooo

Philip Calvert ·

I think I can do the 7th one in a better way:


\Rightarrow (x+y)d(x-y)=d(x+y) \Rightarrow \, x-y=ln|x+y|+C

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