integral does not converge
8 Answers
·2010-02-23 06:54:08
yes it fails to exist...
this is actually grandi`s series in an integral form
·2010-02-23 09:19:26
I=\int_{0}^{\infty }{e^{-ax}sinx}\: dx = -\left[ \frac{e^{-ax}(asinx+cosx)}{a^2+1}\right]_{0}^{\infty }
required integral is obtained by putting a=0 which gives I = 1
·2010-02-23 09:32:57
sir itw a sfor students... kindly hide or remove your post...
it would help other students to think
Lokesh Verma
·2010-02-23 13:00:00
rahul.. where did you get this questoin from?
and please try to understand what bhargav is saying
It may help.
also try to find the flaw in bipin's post!