put √x=t and u get ∫2dt/(1+t)√(1-t2)
now put t=sin∂ to get 2∫d∂/(1+sin∂) which can be solved by substituting sin∂=2tan(∂/2)/sec2(∂/2)
then u put tan(∂/2) =l to get a nice solvable form....from here on it shud be a piece of cake...
5 Answers
·2009-04-04 03:52:26
hint put x=t2 n after solving write 2 in num as (1+t)+(1-t) then u can do it
Aditya Balasubramanyam
·2009-04-04 04:02:37
I've tried that .... after that i get an expresion like∫ (1-t)/((1+t)√(1-t2))dx...
now how to proceed from here ?
Lokesh Verma
·2009-04-04 06:21:06
see you have (1+t)3/2 (1-t)1/2
so i think taking t= cos 2k may help?
·2009-04-04 06:29:50
Aditya Balasubramanyam
·2009-04-04 23:22:39
thank u very much gordo.....
Bhaiya taking cos2K =t helps but i get an ans difff from the one given in the book .....