take x common..
How do we do that sir?
c has to be 1/5....
the questions needs you to take x common..
after wjocj upi wo;; get 7/5 as the limiting value..
You need to realize that xa-xb (lim x going to infinity) is zero only if a=b
when both a and b are greater than zero...
Here that is the first step...
Then use exapansion or binomial theorem or even rationalization to get the limit..
can you try using this hint?
it will be easier to understand if we put y = 1/x
then we have
lim y->0- (1y5 + 7y4+2)c - 1y
now clearly c = 1/5 so that the outside term 1/y gets cancelled somehow so that limit exists , and then the rest follows