need little clarifiation .................

when we use limit x tending to something (eg. 0) of f(x)
where f(x) is some greatest integer function then how do u solve this type of questions
( when i did few questions of this type it seemed easy but there were 2 questions from TMH which completely confused me ..... so pls help me with it(with few different examples) . I will post those 2 questions later on)

2 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

if x tends to say a

Then if f(X) is an integer say I, then

you should see two things

a) if from the -ve and +ve side, it is both greater than or less than the integer I (on both sides greater ro both sides lesser)

b) if on one side the limit comes from < I and on other side > I

Then there will be two answres...


Lim x->0 [x^2] will be 0

While lim x->1 [x^2] will be undefined...

ayush_gupta ·

In the 2nd example wont the ans be 'does not exist'......

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