here is neat image
5 Answers
Lokesh Verma
·2009-10-13 22:23:39
@karna.. no it does not mean the summation thing... (I guess that is why limit definition is not taught at this stage)!
I simply means the value of xn when n becomes very very large
Lokesh Verma
·2009-10-13 22:29:29
N(ε) i missed tis question..
This means taht there is a function N depending on ε
SO for every ε, there is a N (natural number)
such that for all n>N (sometimes it is defined as >=N.. both are correct and equivalent)
the value of |a-an| < ε
The ε-δ definition of continuity is similar to this one...
At your stage, i would say that for most of you the graphical approach would suffice [1]