Shortest possible way....Wbjee Q


f(x) =ax2+bx+c
g(x)= px2+qx+r such that f(1)=g(1), f(2)=g(2) and f(3)-g(3) = 2 . Find f(4)-g(4).

The q is easy but i want a shorter method...

7 Answers

rishabh ·

let P(x) = f(x)-g(x) = (a-p)x2+(b-q)x+(c-r)
so P(x) is a quadratic equation with roots 1,2
=> P(x) = (a-p) * (x-1)(x-2)

given that P(3) =2
=> 2= 2(a-p) => a-p = 1

.:. P(x) = (x-1)(x-2)
.:. f(4)-g(4) = P(4) = 6

Sigma ·

hmm,,, @Rishabh, what if the q asked for f(4) x g(4) or f(4)+g(4)..??? What would i do then???

By computing the values, it would take too much time, i guess

btw, ur solution was good.

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

In such exams, they won't ask you such, and in exams where they are asked, you'll be given ample time/marks for them. Anyways, may be HS Bhatt sir has something to offer.

fahadnasir nasir ·

I think that the solution of rishabh is correct, the assumpsion that if it is f(x)g(x) needs different strutgies.

Sigma ·

@ Bhatt sir, Please do reply if possible..

Arnab Kundu ·

As far as I can see it is practically impossible to calculate f(4)+g(4) provided nothing is given for a,b,c and p,q,r.

since f(4)+g(4)=6+2[16p+4q+r]

it is not possible to calculate its values... Can you see Sigma?

Arnab Kundu ·

BTW..... The shortest method I can think of is this:

Just let h(x)=f(x)-g(x)
clearly h(x)=k(x-1)(x-2) for some real constant k.

we get k=1 computing h(3).

Hence the result follows.

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