you missed a point manish!!
in the equation rhs is always positive. but x & y can be +ve or -ve.
when x and y are mutually perpendicular lines or axes
first quadrant x+y=1
second quadrant x-y=1
first quadrant -x-y=1
fourth quadrant -x+y=1
This will give a rhombus(square) passing thru (0,1),(1,0),(0,-1),(-1,0)
you are right.. in a way only..
suppose we get an equation
then we can bring it back to the form -(x-y)=-(-1)
that will give y-x=1
you have to see which equation will be releant in which quadrant...
Here it so happens that we are able to get all these equations such that rhs is -1!
you missed a point manish!!
in the equation rhs is always positive. but x & y can be +ve or -ve.
Well power u are right and wrong :D
It was only to explain to preeti why the RHS was always +1
I think it is not a "Correct" explanation for people who know exactly what is going on.. But sometimes this way helps.
Of course, you are right in saying that
This equation is
± x ± y = 1
in the appropriate quadrants :)