n mumbai mein :P
air of 3k gets
2oo sr
n air 24k gets 1200 sr
hi i hv got a score of 167 in aieee..
my state rank is 484(TN)
my air is 23k,,,,
can i get into mech engg from nit t
i think it would be difficult for me to get in other nit's as my air is very low(or rather high!!)
suggest me some other gud branches(apart from mech.) from nit t so that i can pursue aeronautical engg for my pg....
hey....hw can that be....
i hv a score of 178 nd my rank is 29k???????????????
its 35939...
i know its difficult(almost impossible) for me to get outside tn...
but can i get in nit t??
do you hv any idea of state rank of ppl getting into nit t last year....??
the website gives only air!!
why not u visit
opening-closing rank of various nit/iiit
well they dont give state ranks but only all india ran ks rahul that is the prob!!
performance of TN ppl hv cum down drastically this year except for a few good performances....i thought nit was out of reach but 484 seems ok.....gotta wait and e-watch!!
yaar TN mein koi padhta nahi kya??
My AIR is 8282 and SR of 582
sab MP mein hi aa gaye hain
u hav chances of getting instrumentation and control engg....
Go to
www.nitt.edu -> Admissions ->B.Tech-> Stateranks of students of TN admitted in nit-t in 2008
with ur staternak.....even civil and chemical and production and metallurgy is possible...
It also depends on ur category ie whether OC or OBC or SC or ST
This yr TN studnets performance has gone down mrunul......rank around 12 k was 350 in 2008 but this yr 15k gets u around 350.....See the differecnce....
also compare 2007 and 2008 stateranks of students.....look at the trend of two yrs......just compare them....
And this yr there is an increase in no of seats.....so u hav a possibility of nit-t....but branch matters...luk thro d situ....n decide urself....cheers!! ;)
thanks a lot qwerty ..... i think i can reduce my rank by 75 to 100 as many of they aboove me got into nus ntu srm vit etc...
and hws nitt metal. dept??
thanks once again!