Test:351 QNo:12

for preparation of ammonia for nitrogen and hydrogen, the favorable conditions are(given it is endothermic process)

5 Answers

Optimus Prime ·

for fomation of ammonia low temperature and high pressure is favoured but the answer given is high temperature and high pressure

virang1 Jhaveri ·

its endothermic there fore it has to be high temperature . As it takes in heat therefore high temperature favours it

Manish Shankar ·

as the process here mentioned is endothermic process (which is not true in real)

favourable condition will be high temperature

Optimus Prime ·

but read all the text buks it is written that low temperature and high pressure favours the formation of ammonia

and u say that reaction is endothermic then if it is endothermic temperature has to be low... it is not exothermic to be at highthermic

Manish Shankar ·

actually the process of preparation of ammonia is exothermic
that why it is written in books that low temperature and high pressure is favourable
your knowledge about ammonia is right

here it is hypothetical case where it is considered endothermic

here the question was not to test your knowledge of ammonia, but it was to test your concepts on Le-Chatelier's principle

it is hypothetical case

Always read the question carefully

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