Charges.. Nice effect..

The axle of a wheel lies on the surface of an oil bath, and four equal charges q are spaced equally around the perimeter. The fixed charge Q repels all four charges q. What do you predict will happen to the wheel?

9 Answers

eureka123 ·

first instinct

..SHM....or any osciilation[12][12]

msp ·

i expect that the system will rotate,bcos the charge in the lower position experiences lesser force than the upper one,and also the charge nearer to the Q charge experience more repulsion,and all the charges were constraint to move,So it will be in circular motion.

eureka123 ·

force wont matter sankara..what is imp is torque [1]

Hari Shankar ·

msp - nature abhors (a) Vacuum and (2) perpetual machines

virang1 Jhaveri ·

Is the lower charge inside the oil bath? If so then force acting on it will be different then the upper charge due to permitivity being different. Then the wheel will rotate

eureka123 ·

yups ..not SHM..but rotation....

msp ·

dude thats wat i told .i thot u opposed my post.

eureka123 ·

I never opposed u..i told that u should wrote torque in place of force [1]

Drik Paul ·

The ball rotates clockwise ...and starts shifting towards right...I guess

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