1A from A to B
Akash Anand Excellent work. Don't this question come in your mind that A & B are at the same potential so why should current flow through that? :p
Upvote·0· Reply ·2013-07-02 06:10:07Sourish Ghosh Nope :P
Aditya Agarwal it flows even because after being at the same potential to make the potential drop across the second set of resistors equal na?
Sourish Ghosh I think there is a potential diff b/w A and B because the drop from 1 ohm and 3 ohm resistor is different.
Sourish Ghosh Anyways, keep calm and apply Kirchoff's Law O:)
Aditya Agarwal haha
Akash Anand @Sourish your logic is wrong about that.
Akash Anand And FYI A and B are at same potential