·2009-07-31 06:27:26
ans1 a continuous supply of electrons at one end and removal of electrons at the other end .
ans2 electrons do move randomly within the wire..[3]
ans3 becoz individual electrons travel in wire at high speed...(comparable to speed of lght)
ans4 this question was answered in ur last post[16]
·2009-07-31 07:23:03
editting ans 3: the switching on of bulbs or tube lights depends on the speed at which electric field is set up and not on the speeds of the electrons......electric field propagates at the speed of light !
Tush Watts
·2009-08-01 01:08:30
Thanx "Eureka123 " and "organic"
Hemanth Kumar N
·2009-08-30 07:48:12
Voltage is stepped up in a transformer and is transmitted through cables.The concept is P=VI, therefore V is inversely proportional to
I.So I is reduced much. So,H=I2R. So heat loss is much reduced...
But H=I2R Which is equal to H=V2/R. So, if V is high then V2 is very high...So Heat loss is more....
Bot the cases are contradictory.....Whats the real concept?????
·2009-08-31 11:49:57
1. there is continouse electric field appiled accross the ends of the conductors which would make the electrons move