ya sorry equivalent potential difference
IF different batteries of different emf are joined in parallel...then what is the equivalent emf?
suppose 4 batteries of emf=1,2,3 and 4 respectively are joined in parallel then what is the equivalent emf?
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9 Answers
what do u mean by equivalent EMF??
u can find out equivalent potential difference.. not emf!
consider i1, i2, i3.... currents in each loop..
and consider the net current flows thru external resistance R.
(kirchoff's junction law)
now apply loop law and find P.D.
When n number of batteries with emf \xi _{i} and internal resistance r_{i} are connected in parallel i= (1,2,....n) the combination acts as a battery of emf \varepsilon _{eq} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{}{n}(\xi _{i}\sum_{p\neq q\neq i}^{}{}r_{p}r_{q}) }{\sum_{m\neq n}^{}{}r_{m}r_{n}}
:P my common dialogue: In physics think physics! [6]
By the way you are one of the best mathematicians I have ever seen...:D