a conducting wire frame is paced in a magnetic fied ,which is directed into the paper.the magnetic field is increasing at a contant rate.the direction of induced currents in the wires AB and CD are
a) A to B and C to D
b)B to A and C to D
c) A to B and D to C
d)B to A and D to C
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13 Answers
how arshad can u explain plzzzzzz......its a q of fiitjee phase test
Kaustab a small thing that is obvious
The current in AB will be opposite to the current in CD (Otherwise currents will not form a particular direction! (IQ :D)
More than that you should keep one more thing in mind ... The electric field is induced due to changing magnetic field.. So what is the direction of the electric field induced? And which direction will an electron flow in that electric field? and what is the direction of the current, if you know the direction of the electron flow?
i dont know but i think i have made sime mistake in vector products
i was taking the plane towards me the observer as positive since the magnetic field was awayy from me and it was negative and with time from my frame it is becoming more negative so electric field induced will be opposite o that or in the opp direction or in my sence but form using right hand rule it is coming from d-c and from b-a can anyone find my flaw
always remember just one line....the direction of current will be such that it opposes any change in the magnetic field....
as the mag feild here is increasing so the induced current will flow in such a way that it reduces the field....(by inducing a field in the opposite direction)