when the spheres are brought into contact, the ratio of charges will be equal to the ratio of the capacitances.
proceed this way and u get all the ans.
A and B are two metallic balls of radii 8 and 2cm respt.both are large distance apart .A is charged to 100nc and touches B and taken back and charged again to 100nc.this process is repeated completely till B reaches a steady final charge.
a.after each contact the charge p.same value for A &B.
left on B is kQt where Qt is the
total charge of A & B bfor.contact.
'k' in % is.
b.Final charge on B in nano.coul. q.11.25
c.Voltage on A bfor any contact. r.20
d.voltage on B after many s.25
when the spheres are brought into contact, the ratio of charges will be equal to the ratio of the capacitances.
proceed this way and u get all the ans.
i tried solving by the abov. methodot getting .i know the method is easy.......but i need help as i m not sure about the ans.
the ans i got was a-s b-r c-q d.-p