my doubt too.
Sankara can u post the images soln i dont have e-book
A point charge Q is at a distance l from a infinite conducting plane.What amount of work has to be performed in order to slowly move the charge far away from the plane.
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6 Answers
I have the solution ebook.They have done by image method.
i wantd to know whether method of images are included in jee.
if it is there.can u pls explain by using this pbm.
it doesn't matter which method u follow as jee is objective type
is the answer not infinte!!
The electric field due to a infinite plane is fixed everywhere.. and to move it to infinite, the work done will be F.ds.
F is constant
ds is integrated from that point to infinity..
which should give infinity!
let the conducting plate be at x=0
due to the presence of charge, -q will be induced on the near plate and +q on the other side.
the field due to the infinite plate is σ/2ε0 where σ is the charge density. so the potential as a function of distance from the plane is σd/2ε0.
so, the potential is zero at d=0 or at x=0
therefore to simplify things, an equal opposite charge is introduced at the opposite side of the plane such that the potential at x=0 is always 0.
so, the work done wud just be equal to moving both +q and -q symmetrically to infinity.