sir i am unable to get the relation.......
Two small equally charged spheres each of mass m are suspended from the same point by silk threads of length l. The distance between the spheres is x<<l . find the rate dq/dt with which the charge leaks off each sphere if their approach velocities varies as v=a/√x ,where a is a constant .
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8 Answers
This is an awesome question...
See try making a fbd first an then try to write
dF/dt in terms of Q (dq/dt)
Now you can try? (I know it will sound very tough)
sir i tried the same...but i could not reach the ans...
the ans of this ques is...3/2a√1/2k(mg/l)
i think there is minor mistake in ans..
x/(2l) = Felec/mg
mgx/2l = kq2/x2
mgx3/2kl = q2
√mgx3/2kl = q
now d/dt both sides
ya i tried by this method...
by this method the ans in terms of √x
but this is not the ans... can u try again plzzzz
i think there is a problem in x/2l= Fele/mg
it must be x/2l=(Fele-mA)/mg where A Is the acceleration