array how r dey two str lines ??
infact y=√(1-x2) is equation of semi circle a circle..
so, a circle..
implies.., y=±√1-x2...
so what is the graph of y=±√1-x2(sin x)
please help...also point out wether or not the doubt makes any sense...
actually wat i think is pattern of the graph will be quiet similar to graph of x. sin x for y=+√1-x2sinx and -x. sin x for y=-√1-x2 sinx
implies, y=±√1-x2
whch r two st lines...
so y is the function a circle???
array how r dey two str lines ??
infact y=√(1-x2) is equation of semi circle
@ subhomoy i dont think x2+y2=1 represent a function itz a y=√1-x2 is not a function of st line at all