sound waves

A sound wave has a frequency of 2 KHz and
wavelength of 35 cm. How long will it take to travel
1.4 km.
(a) 600m/s (b) 700m/s
(c) 800m/s (d) 900m/s

in this question v have to find out time and the ans. r given in m/s
and i got this question in a coaching's scholarship exam paper

5 Answers

Abhishek Priyam ·

:D and they might have given ans as 700m/s

they might have messed the question... they might have wanted to ask speed then modified it to ask time but forgot to change the option...


Shivani -waiting for results ·

i too wrote the ans. as 700m/s but then too got confused

Abhishek Priyam ·

Scholarship exam paper....

they will cancel the question.. :)

Shivani -waiting for results ·

hope this happens

Abhishek Priyam ·

Yes!! but you are in a safer side..(as u have written 700)

they will give marks to that..(if they din' notice that) or will cancel...


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