This one seems interesting.....

In 1 of the ancient mythological stories of ancient India, there's one that runs like this :-

In the big temple of Madras (now Chennai), once a thief decided to try out his luck and skill at his job. He decided to rob the "Devi's" idol off its jwellery. He managed to do so, but (unfortunately enough) he was caught by the villagers....At the king's court however somehow a judgement was made by the joint decissions of the courtiers , and the statement of the judgement read llike this...

"The thief would be given 9 strong chillies...and he would have to put them on a stove (Stoves were not there at that time, but lets take it for the present case) - if there's any irritation caused by tose burning chillies in the people around, that would be taken as a symbol that God is angry and that she wants the thief to be sentenced to death, and if no burning or itching sensation is caused in the people around (which is highly unlikely) that would mean the thief shall be freed.....Ultimately the thief did manage to escape unpunished (meaning the 2nd option turned out to be true) .....explain the mechanism, why did this actually happen?

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