Daily Graph 09-07-2009

draw the graph of


6 Answers

archana anand ·

dont kno if this is correct[7]

eureka123 ·

graph will be in 3rd quad also....

iitimcomin ·

we just draw graph of y=1/2x ..... [simple 1 ...]

now we make it [y]=1/2x ... so we get lines only in places where 1/2x is an integer ....

then when we make it {x} ... the graph looks the same betw any two consecutive integer co ordinates on x axis

Mani Pal Singh ·

please combine #2,#3,#4 to give the final answer[1]

Mani Pal Singh ·

Ne1 trying dis?

Asish Mahapatra ·

{x}[y] = 1/2

as y is an integer. so if [y]=k, k is a natural no. then {x} = 1/2k

So consider [y] = 1 then {x} = 1/2
[y] = 2 {x} = 1/4
[y] = 3 {x} = 1/6
So graph will exist only in 1st and 2nd quadrant.

Its basically archana's graph in both 1st and 2nd quadrant but there also will be value of x in [-1,1] which she has not shown.

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