solution set is (0,0)
x+y -2n=2n
x+y=4n (condtion:n<=x<n+.5;n<=y<n+.5)
clearly it is possible only (0,0)
6 Answers
[x+y]=x+y if x and y are integers.
so at all integral points x+y=0
so we get the given eqn reduced to [x]+[y]=1
dunno how to complete.
@sankara.. your first step is wrong..
@karna.. can you try and generalize and give a graph..
max value of {x}+{y} → 2 when {x}→1 AND {y}→1
min value of {x}+{y} =0 when x,y are integers.
CASE I: integral solutions
Clearly [x+y]=0
this implies that [y]+[x]=0
OR [x]= -[y]
So in integral solutions, the solutions are of the form (n,-n) where n is an integer
CASE II: non-integral solutions
LHS is an integer, So {x}+{y} can be 1 only (when it is zero, case is dealt above and it cant become 2)
So, {y} = 1-{x}
[x+y] = [x]+[y]+1 = {x}+{y}
i.e. [x]+[y] = 0
further as {x}+{y}=1
adding both x+y=1
awesome work asish :)
I have been having this feeling that most graph of the days are becoming equations of the day :D :P