
find the range of 'b' for which the equation,

(x+3)^{2}=5-\left|x+b \right|

has 2 real solutions.

9 Answers

Devil ·

Suppose |x+b|>0
dydx = 2x+6, hence the line y+x=5-b is a tangent to the curve at x=-72, thus min b=74.....
While if |x+b|<0, then slope of line becomes 1, meaning dydx=1 at x=-52, thus b=-94
Thus ans should be (74,∞) U (-94, ∞)
Pls correct me if wrong.

gordo ·

soumik, if ur answer is (-∞,-9/4) U (7/4,∞), then plz recheck,
becoz, 9, that is in ur range of 'b' has no real solutions for the equation.

any more takers?

Lokesh Verma ·

soumik, for these questions, graphs come in very handy... try using graphs :)

gordo ·

yeah soumik, as a matter of support to what sir has said, this has been posted under the 'graph' section. so a graphical approach always is much much easier than solving it without one :)

gordo ·

plz recheck asish, for b=8, we do have solutions, {-3,-4} both greater than -8.

gordo ·

cmon guyz plz give this one a try. asish, plz post ur graph or method.

Asish Mahapatra ·

So there will be two solutions if b will lie between the two points shown on the graph.

Now the y-coordinate of the point (-b) is 5. let the two abcissae be x1 and x2
Let y=(x+3)2
dy/dx = 2(x+3) = 1 when x=-5/2
dy/dx = -1 when x=-7/2
So the tangent points are (-5/2, 1/4) and (-7/2,1/4)

So, lx2-(-7/2)l = l5-1/4l and lx1-(-5/2)l = l5-1/4l
So, x2 = -7/2-19/4 = -33/4 and x1 = -5/2+19/4 = 9/4
So, -b = (-33/4,9/4)
So, b = (-9/4,33/4)

gordo ·

i was getting (-9/4,33/4). donno whether there is a silly mistake or what. (on our part) :)

gordo ·

asish? u der? did u recheck?

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