while moving down the group in 18th group , explain the following
(a). solubility increases
(b). ease of liquefaction increases
(c). electrical conductivity decreases
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5 Answers
electrical conductibity decreses ...
reason:- inert pair effect... net effective nuclear charge inc... electron release gets difficult...
solubility inc:- lattice energy dec down the group... solvation decreases... (more the solvation,,, the more bulky the molecule... so it becomes difficult for it to move... motey admio ko chlne firne me taklif hota hai naa... waisa hi :P)... so solubitlity incrases...
well , for ease of liquefaction , the van der waal's forces increase( due to inc in atmic mass). hence. liquefaction is easier down the grp
sky. Is that possible , we're talking of 18 th grp , no?
Lattice energy? is that logic applicable here? that we say for ion solvation no? I dunno if that can be used please clarify . also inert pair effect . is that applicable??[7][7]
y not?
wat is diff in 18th group???
---only dat they have completely filled valence shells... nothing else....
they have all other properties like the other groups like addition of d n f orbitals n all those which effects the elements down the group..
... if i am wrong ,,, plz explain the correct thing wid appropriate justifications...