chalte chalte A & R

Assertion & reason

statement1:lattice energy of AlCl3 is more than NaCl

statement2:AlCl3 is less ionic than NaCl

5 Answers

Optimus Prime ·

both statements are correct but second statement is not the correct explanation of first

Grandmaster ·


according to arihant Stament 1 is false[3][3][3][3][3]

Grandmaster ·

any1 not trying it

dimensions (dimentime) ·

as Al+3 & Na+ are isoelectronic size of Al+3 will be less than Na+ so AlCl3 must have higher LE than NaCl

i too think both statements are correct but second statement is not the correct explanation of first

Bhaskar Mukherjee ·

yes i agree wid Mr.dimensions......

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