Q.4) well,in NH3,there are lonepair-bondedpair and bondedpair-bondedpair repulsions,which slightly distorts its bondangle to just less than 109o,while in H2O,THERE IS L.P.-L.P.REPULSION ,which is more effective than two repulsions in NH3,which brings down its angle to about 104o.now,in OF2,becoz the electrons are nearer to flourine atom due to high electronegativity,so its distorted to maximum.and finally in Cl2O, the bonded electron pairs are closer to oxygen making repulsion between them more and thereby reducing the l.p.-l.p. repulsion on oxygen.also due to bulkiness of Cl,the bond angle increases to about 111o.
thus,Cl2O has greater bond angle
Q1. In an octahedral structure, the pair of d-orbitals involved in d2sp3 hybridisation is
(a) dx2-y2,dz2 (b) dxz,dx2-y2 (c) dz2,dxz (d)dxy,dyz
Q2. The d-orbital involved in sp3d hybridisation is
(a) dx2-y2 (b) dxy (c) dz2 (d) dxz
Q3. What are the m (magnetic quantum no.) values for dxy , dyz , dzx , dx2-y2 , dz2 ? Is it assigned arbitrarily or is there particular value?
Q4. Molecule showing angle greater than observed in tetrahedral structure is
(a) NH3 (b) Cl2O (c) H2O (d) OF2
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8 Answers
the same reason can be applied to H2O also then, Because the lone pair will be closer to oxygen (more closer than in case of Cl2O) then it should have even greater bond angle. But it doesnt. Is steric factor a lot to do here?
hey,dude,in H2O, its only O having lone pair having lonepair,located in the equitorial plane. but the thing mentioned above is due to presence of lonepair in all atoms of Cl2O
do we ever consider whether the bonded atoms have lone pairs or not in deciding structure. We only care for lone pair of central atom
Consider SO2 do you consider that O has lone pairs or do u just see how many lone pairs or bond pairs the S (central atom) has??
yes steric factor is the main reason here..
electronegativity order is F>O>N>Cl>>>>>H
so the other reason given by him shld apply to H2O as well..as u said
Q3) it depends on orientation of d orbitals..(no need to worry at this stage)
symmetry factor of the octahedral structure and the two orbitals
wats the meaning of this?
Q.1) In an octahedral complex,the metal is at the centre and the ligands are at six corners
. It follows this way that the approach of six ligands along the x,-x,y,-y,z,-z directions will increase the energy of the eg orbitals (dx2 - y2,dz2) (which point along the axes) ,much more than the t2g orbitals(dxy,dxz,dyz),(which point between the axes).
thus a) is the answer.