1) stability oh hydrides dereases becoz the length of bond increases.
2) acidic character decreases coz.... the elements become more n more electropositive... and more the electropositivity --- more the basic character....
3) will thnk n say
1)why the stability hydrides of the group 15 elements decreases on going down
2)The acidic character of oxides of gp 15 elements decreases when moving downwards
3)wat are the factors that affects the stability of oxides of p block elements
1) stability oh hydrides dereases becoz the length of bond increases.
2) acidic character decreases coz.... the elements become more n more electropositive... and more the electropositivity --- more the basic character....
3) will thnk n say
1)This is due to the fact that on going down the group, the size of the central atom increases and therefore, its tendency to form stable covalent bond with small hydrogen atom decreases. As a result the M~H bond strength decreases and therefore thermal stability decreases.
3) stability of oxides of gr-5 depends on teh oxidation states.
stability of +3 oxides increases n +5 decreases (due to inert pair effect)