a good rotational problem

A stick of length L and mass M lies on a frictionless horizontal surface on which it is free to move in anyway.
A ball of mass m moving with speed v collides elastically with the stick at a distance d below its centre.

What must be the mass of the ball so that it remains at rest immediately after collision?

Please give the detailed answer.

Also show what do we get if we conserve linear momentum, and angular momentum

6 Answers

Philip Calvert ·

please clarify what "d below its centre." means as the stick is in a horizontal position

and also what do you want to remain at rest -- the balll or some point on the stick.

also whether v is perpendicular to the stick

Asish Mahapatra ·

below the centre means that the ball collides with the stick at a distance d from the centre. The stick is horizontal and the ball after colliding should remain at rest.

Asish Mahapatra ·

is there no one out there to solve it???

Rohan Ghosh ·

hey asish this one was already solved

it got deleted ..

iitimcomin ·

and y complicate the equations ..use newtons laws of collsion....

varun.tinkle ·

see i prefer to solve every sum by impulse method so solving it here
sicne after the collison the vel of the ball becomes 0 impulse transferred is mv
J=Mv or mv=Mv2

and now for angular impulse
or mv=Ml2w/12
or w=1212vd/wl2
now for the pnt where the collision occurs vel of this pnt is
=12vd2/wl2+m/mv=v from an elastic colsion
solve it to get the answer

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